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Three Possible Futures—Choose Your Preferred Story with Joana Lenkova
Joana Lenkova -Three Possible Futures – Choose Your Preferred Story
GFS 2020 - Joana Lenkova - The Living Companies: Using Foresight-Fuelled Strategy to Tame the Future
John Smart: Foresight is Your Hidden Superpower
Foresight in the Boardroom
GFS 2020 - Frank Spencer - A Transformationalist's Guide To Saving The Future
Frame your Future with Strategic Foresight: Navigating Business in 2021
Exhibit Columbus presents a live talk on strategic foresight and storytelling | Talks | Dezeen
NC TECH Virtual Workshop - Bring the Future into Focus with Strategic Foresight
Global Foresight Summit 2021: Why Foresight?
Bart Édes and Guests: Strategic Foresight in Asia
Global Foresight Summit 2021: Open Space